Ph.D. Clincal Psychology, Adelphi University

I’m a knowledgeable, well-grounded clinician, one who has extensive experience treating adults and children, in both inpatient and outpatient settings. I treat individuals with anxiety disorders, depression, mood disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, impulse disorders, anger management issues and substance abuse disorders. My therapeutic techniques include cognitive behavioral treatment, cognitive restructuring, family systems therapy, mindfulness, relaxation as well as traditional psychodynamic therapy. I also provide counseling to address parenting issues and developmental concerns. I am well-trained in intellectual and personality assessment.

Licensed to practice in New York (00562-1) and New Jersey (35SI00127100)
More Than 35 Years Serving the Northern Valley Community
Areas of Expertise Include Diagnostic Assessment And Psychotherapy Of Children, Adolescents And Adults.
Former Director of Psychological Services at Fair Oaks Hospital in Summit NJ
Holds The American Psychological Association’s Certificate Of Proficiency In The Treatment Of Alcohol And Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders
Served On The Affiliated Medical Staff Of Holy Name and Clara Maas Hospitals, Manhattan Children’s Psychiatric Center’s Special Treatment Team, and The New Jersey State Department Of Human Services’ Clinical Review Board
Presented Symposia At The New Jersey Psychological Association’s Biannual Conferences As Well As At The Northeastern Counties Psychological Association Quarterly Meetings And Spoken At Clara Maas Hospital’s Grand Rounds